What on earth is going on? More and more I see an obsession with “beauty” and with “self”. Captured by the appearance of self. A desire to be idealized? A desire based on appearance rather than real effort, intelligence, study, achievement or anything other than appearance and “sexuality”. What has created this obsession? Because of social media, is this all that is necessary now? I saw a report of a young woman who had sex with 101 males and this is something she is proud of? What on earth is driving this young woman? Will she even survive being herself? Is this Narcissism? Is this Obsessive- Compulsive- Disorder? Whatever it is, it looks frightening. What kind of parent does this new type make? So, they want children? If so in order to be mirrored? Do they then demand children obsess over appearance like they do? Do they demand their children are performers for themselves? We cannot survive this trajectory unless we are raising sexual slaves and people obsessed with adoration or they compete in an imaginary world of illusion. Minimally, they are very vulnerable to being victimized by a narcissist, psychopath, or sociopath who readily sees their Achilles heel.
Social- Media is an attempt to capture energy and Narcissism is Imitation.
What I think is happening; narcissism style is on the rise. The need to be seen, to feel real, to feel touched by others, cared about, and less alone requires an escalation. Narcissism is a way to get the needed attention. The world is getting colder and lonelier. Being alone is viewed to be pathology. Existential crisis of loneliness has created a narcissism that demands attention. A narcissist does not see other people as something outside of themselves. There is no one out there. So, they attempt to break free of the loneliness by a shared fantasy and by garnering energy and attention. A kind of vampirism. What can I do to perform for you? To get you to notice me, to give your energy to me. Everything is fluid since there is argument about roles. No one to perform to, no one to see you so you escalate into performance for energy. The role of helping others has become another social media performance.