Unlearning is of the same importance as learning. Because to unlearn something is to be conscious of what we have learned, and our ability to change it.
J. Mike Fields
Empowering Clients to Break Patterns & NEVER Give Up!
Currently, services are offered on-line providing flexibility and confidentiality that serves to provide services quickly and easily for everyone. Clients are supported in ways that change perspectives and perceptions.
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"I have been working with Patricia ... I have received more healing, insight, truth, freedom, and tools with Patricia than I have with over 20 years of mainstream therapy. As I continue my work with Patricia, I know I will continue to raise my consciousness to live life as my higher self."
Yuan - Pennsylvania
Services are offered on-line providing flexibility and confidentiality. Services are provided quickly and easily. Clients are supported in ways that change perspective and initiate real change.
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“Since I started my training at RACE in the Radical Aliveness Institute of Southern California, Patricia Haman came into my life, first as a teacher and then as my therapist, with her I have accomplished all credits from all my personal work."
Núria Camps Salat. (Costa Rica)